I am talking about medicine's (drugs) and there pricing policy, and especially the recent coined term GENERIC MEDICINE. Firstly let us understand what generic medicine pertains to- Generic drugs are copies of brand name drugs that have exactly the same dosage indented use, effects, side effects, route of administration, risks, safety and strength as original drug. There pharmacological effects are exactly the same as those of the brand name counterparts, here comes a new term brand name drug..!! Now, again a question comes what does this means and if there are two types of drugs one generic and other some branded one then which one is better well before jumping into other question let us first know what a brand drug actually is.. When a new drug or we say formula is discovered, researched, tested, developed, produced and marketed for the very first time it is called brand drug, as being first needs time and money so is it, it takes years and year's in making which finally co...