Today my curiosity took me to the mining sector and I came up with so many unknown facts.. which I guess you'll also love to know before knowing anything else let's know what does a mining pertains to, well extraction of metals from underground is termed as mining and we are all aware of it, there are two types of mining one is the opencast mining and the other be the underground one or insitu mining, well it's always been an adventure to know about something like this..our parents have used to show us these kinds of things the mines, dams and so on and we have loved to see them because we get a picnic trip added on to our vacation but now that we are grown up a question always arrives in mind and that is what happens when whole of the metal is being extracted out, is that giant hole remains like that only or is being dumped and if dumped then how..? And to this question of mine,i found answer today..!! Well we're going to basically talk about those horrend...