Loksabha calling
Year begins with unrest... Starting with the catastrophic political change in Hindi heartlands.. although some of the results were previously calculated while some of them blown everything possible slump from the ruling government. Rafel took the charge of boforce this time the most irrelatable things are being connected so wisely.. Sohrabuddin encounter playing another hand somewhere...and if it's BJP how could Ram mandir be discarded so there you go... The political pundits pressurising from all sides... Well win is all everyone needs so the drama was so jumbled up this time 5 time namaz was set aside and the all new JANEW steels the show.. well show didn't stopped here cow became gaumaata and as the history follow's females are always responsible for YUDDH so the struggle begins... People started proving who's mother she is...!!! Sabrimala turns out to be another politicized-rituaized-scandalized matter Well this can be understood in two ways why it is prohibited...