Loksabha calling

Year begins with unrest... Starting with the catastrophic political change in Hindi heartlands.. although some of the results were previously calculated while some of them blown everything possible slump from the ruling government. Rafel took the charge of boforce this time the most irrelatable things are being connected so wisely..
Sohrabuddin encounter playing another hand somewhere...and if it's BJP how could Ram mandir be discarded so there you go... The political pundits pressurising from all sides... Well win is all everyone needs so the drama was so jumbled up this time 5 time namaz was set aside and the all new JANEW steels the show.. well show didn't stopped here cow became gaumaata and as the history follow's females are always responsible for YUDDH so the struggle begins...
People started proving who's mother she is...!!!
Sabrimala turns out to be another politicized-rituaized-scandalized matter
Well this can be understood in two ways why it is prohibited for women's to enter that place if they are pure to enter any temple..
And why it is necessary for women's to go there if it's banned since the time unknown..
Well the lower caste people have been downtrodden since the time unknown and now they want the upper caste people to be pushed into the tophet of underdevelopment.. undernourishment...bla bla bla..
Political thinkers are afraid if... This flaunting Hinduism will led to internal war like situations for India... Years before when there was the party promoting the Muslimism... Then there was so much peace...!!
Kashmir I guess can never be taken out of that unrest...
Chanting vande mataram... Standing up for national anthem has been pushed into people's life why..?
Is there no patriotism left in the hearts of Indians...
well I would like to shift your thoughts to somewhere else too
The type of political power which has been given to the locals at their early ages have nothing but paralysed their thinking ability... photos in some pamphlets... Selfiies with some political leaders have turned their minds they are doing and spreading something else...a sort of terrorism I must say....!!
These are yuva morcha adhyakah...yuva netaas of any political parties... anyone. Okk let it be they are illitrated but what about the one's sitting in universities like JNU, DU..they are talking of intolerance... Chanting anti-national slogans...!!
God knows what will happen in future no one wants to be in politics or everyone wants to be into it..!!


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