Fast moving digitized world wants everything to be done within the blink of an eye.. !!
Well well..
The topic I'm upto today, was this fast since it's very being, everything was slow but this particular ritual was done in fast forward mode, as for now we are more mordernised, more globalised and bla bla.. !!
Then too, when it comes to a girl and her marriage 😂 we are all the same old school people, 
You turn 28 and you're worth nothing to the society, you're characterless firstly, you don't care about your parents happiness that means you're irresponsible, a slut in genuine.. and what not..!

Everyone will have a story ready to explain about your life, then you yourself.
How interesting it is..
Isn't it..?
I guess girls are born to be married, as there's no way a life possible for her without being married to someone, as if a tag is essential for living firstly it's your father's and then the so called soulmate's, who is found collectively by bunch of your well wishers, he who knows nothing about you becomes your soulmate, wao.. hilarious 😂

There's a series up on Netflix these day's named ' Indian matchmaking' and it kind of reveals all the melodrama done to protect or justify that societal pressure for those arranged marriages, where there's racism, casteism, financial exploitation, and ofcourse justified voilence.. sometimes aggressive leading to wounds which are visible and sometimes it's just passive exploitation where wounded person stuffers mentally,
The show reveals every cringe activities which are done in the name of marriage, one would feel irrelevant and insane while watching it but it's the actual face of the society we live in and in this case it's super dirty..!!

We are so called mordernised, as have  permitted our daughter-in-laws to stay bare headed at home, but will resist adjusting with their office schedule, as she should focus on her family and kids right.. ?
Can count upon endless things but I find myself a little short in experience, that's why will hold on here..!!
This post is being written for all those women's I know or don't know, who gave up on their dreams or simply gave up on anything in their life, just because they were married, and there are lacks and thousands of women's who did this, cz women's are meant to adjust, either to satisfy their parents dream or their husbands greed..!!

I know girls are always taught to be responsible, they have to manage a whole family one day but would like to quote a dialogue from a movie named THAPPAD over here where the lead actress says-" I got busy making you this much happy that i forgot what used to make me happier, I made myself to like your favourite colour upto this extent that I forgot which was my favourite..!!" 
And this got tears into my eyes, just see the womens around yourself and you'll find how much they have sacrificed..!

I just hate this attitude of women's, I mean why you have to be this much sacrificing..?
Start taking decisions for yourself, trust yourself, work hard to be successful, and fight with the ones who are stopping you from accomplishing what you wanted to, just leave them, their might be huge criticism, you'll be left all alone but for sure more satisfied, unlike an all sacrificing.
I urge the women's reading this to never adjust for someone else for their happiness, you yourself are capable of Everything, make them trust you for this, and remember Everything done either by men or women or even not done is doable, and if hit right... anyone can do it..!!
So women's, stay strong although shouldn't be writing it, cz women's are the strongest, they can carry a life into their womb for month's.. so strength goes unmatchable buzz off these protein shake fluffed bodies they won't even be able to handle periods...!!
And if, you say they're emotionally weak then, ask a married women in her 40's about her post Marriage life and you'll not believe your ears..😊 
To all the beauties, 
Keep flying, there's no limit.. let your age numbers grow and also the societal chatter..!!
Be fearless ❤️
And if needed, a rebel too..💪


  1. Live the way you want.... More power to you 💪 Every single line is worth bhn 🙌🙌

  2. Wow shubhi , it inspires many to follow their dreams.


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