Cricket.. In INDIA..
For us..The Indians..!!
cricket is not just a game but wringing of emotions...reverberation of those million's of hopes which is annexed with each and every movement of the players..
There are aauch... and oops... on every ball which misses stumps..!!
The whole stadium somewhere shouts FUCK.. on each catch dropped..
There are coaches in each house..teaching via commentary during match..!!
there are dhol's and bhangraas.. on every winning six..!!
on somedays match is not just a match but a war of freedom..(those thrilling matches with pakistan)
as soon as the player is out from the dressing room we proliferate our cantillate into there path just to make them more confident..
we crazily go on stands before hours and hours of even a practice match...just to catch a glimpses of our favourite's..
some have got manners in the name of high class attire... but they too dance on streets... waving tricolour on their hands..!!
for some cricket is their souce of income..!
for some expression of blind rage..for some its worship.. and for its just a dream...!!
we cheer...we pray..we shout...we chant..we dance...we paint..we fight...
on every match..
yes we the indians...we lambaste, admire,squawk,chuckle, sway...together for one sport and it's cricket...!
cricket.. the expression of craziness.. for us❤
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