Another Neptune Spear Required, At Another Abbottabad

Jaish-e-mohommad supremo Hafiz saeed the mastermind of 2008,26/11 mumbai attacks is released by pakistan Before we semblance towards another rueful date he is free..!!
Its like he is being ,arrested and released.. arrested and released.. arrested and released in synchronization with varying degree of pressure over the so called monocrats of pakistan in short 'puppet tyrants'(pak's political regime) because everytime its being proved that the ones who are actually levering and dictating the country are the mastermind's of these terrorist groups gushing within the nation may it be 'laden'  or 'hafiz saeed' or any other.
All these ostensible PM, President even army of that nation is in their sack,not a single leaf budges without their approbation. This is why they are arrested in the most sophisticated jails where there's Red carpet welcome for them and as long as they want to stay there the are allowed to stay and then released on their demands..!!
Pakistan till now was stigmatized as a nation who produces terrorists but from now onwards it is being entrenched that it not only produces but upbrings them as well and fortifie's too..
from other nations and international forum's as well, but why..?
-Is it the hubristic assurance of having china by their side
Or this decision is the call for another Neptune spear and another Abbottabad,is it required for the USA to put forward their most fearsome warriors in place to kill another mastermind.
Or is it the turn of India to manifest themselves as the second largest armed ample nation,the killings of mumbai,the attack on parliament and many such blasts are loitering for their justice to be done..
on this day our PM must order our parasf's to find saeed and kill him at any cost cz all those friendly meetings and those birthday celebration with pak's PM isn't fruitful.
Its so agonizing to hear that some communities beside lakhimpur kheri and somewhere around shivpuri are decorating their houses and celebrating the release of saeed chanting -hafiz saeed zindabad, Pakistan zindabad..!!
well for them i dont wanna say anything it makes me shabby to even write of them but will just exhort them that we have people's like MODI,you must not forget SURGICAL STRIKES cz only that will leave you chanting -vande maatram,bharat mata ki jai..!!
Bloody Traitors
Its just that our army has not given rights to kill street dogs and they are so devoted to their discipline or else you better know what they are supposed to do..!!

jai hind..


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