Jai Shree Ram: A War Cry, for Ayodhya

Ayodhya seems to be as controversial and disputeable as line of control b/w India and pakistan the land has endorsed many discords till now. In aeonic turns the controversy is unique as it has stretched out for more than half a Millennium,two empires mughals and britishers to the third empire mordern india. The antagonism is a bloodshed for hindu-muslim polarization in India, with archeological Testament's hindu,nirmohi akhara and vishva hindu parishad on one hand are assured to grab the land as it is the birth place of their acclaimed deity "raama" while, muslims with rage and boiling blood are getting implausible as hindu's have demolished theri mosque which is named after their righteous king 'babur'.
There have been fuss over the occupied land being hindus or muslims, ever since its existence it is believed that there was a temple which was exterminated by one of the general of babur mir baqui to build a mosque meanwhile, both the community offered prayers there but in 1885 nirmohi akhara filed petition where they asked to pray ram lallaa inside the masjid,but due to communal speeches and the religious emotions of thousands of peoples that peice of land became war zone and given birth to many such riots.
In 1992 the masjid was demolished by 2 lack karsevaks followed by the riots later in the country. In 2002 an attack on a train carrying hindu volunteers from Ayodhya and riots in gujrat killing thousands.
the issue is on of its kind it has defined people's history, especially the ambiguity that distills the belief of a civilization and in the later stages a strife that had the capability of disrupting the social equilibrium of a mordern state.
courts verdict in the issue has been dwindling ever since the petition was Lodged ,In 2010 Allahabad high court asked for  a partition of the sites in Ayodhya and distribute among the concerned parties in the ratio 1:3 but this was not satisfactory as it is proved that the concerned land is the birth place of Lord Rama and moreover hindus dont want another temple beside a mosque..!!
Recently SC has asked for an amicable, out of the court settlement in the ongoing dispute due to its sensitive nature.
Many political leaders as LK Aadvani, Uma bharti and many more have got stains of communalism in their political white dress..!
Due to its tactful and dubious nature this time many religious saints have came forward to take the responsibility of solving it..the famous name these days is-"shri shri ravishankar" ,The era of communalism and controversial speeches have begun, initiated by RSS Supremo "Mohan bhagwat"..!!
we know that this dispute can never be solved by mere talks but still can just wait and watch for the proceedings,
will raam lala take birth again..in this polluted LANKA or mohammad will come to solve the political blunder.. well I guess we require both of them as the 'Namo-shah' duet..!!

Jai Jai Shree Raam..
waiting for HANUMAN


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