Fading Indian National Congress

Founded in 1885 just to let Indian people's represent themselves in mordern    nationalist movement against britishers in India as well as Africa too..
Congress was the principle leader of India's independence movement, it was an umbrella party under the contour of whoum many small socialist groups grown up..!!
The post-gandhinian period it was led by gopal krishna gokhle till then it wasnt that much mass mobilized. By the time MK Gandhi returned India in 1915 the phase of congress reverted and gandhiji by his non-violence achieved many milestones, may it be Khilafat movement, Non-cooperation movement, salt march and many more big and small rallies. He was capable of adhering and covenening people. Although in its early stages itself party has witnessed many breakthrough's,it had splitted many a times but gandhiji always led from the front and led India's independence movement.
Lahore session let to the demand of "poorna swaraj" a war cry which was put up by ' Hindustan socialist Republican association' but never found their name in history.
After so much of bloodshed and struggle India awake to its independence on 15 August 1947, with that 'illusive tryst with destiny' India initiated its own political regime headed by INC.
In 1952 the first general election held and congress had a landslide victory in that election and held power uptill 1977 when it was defeated by Janta coalition. This was due to that emergency called up by Indira gandhi and that sikh movement which saw increasing turmoil in punjab and to eradicate which 'operation blue star' was established.
Congress and its leader's have witnessed several assainations from MK Gandhi-nehru-Indira-Rajiv gandhi, nehru was threatened 4 times {attempts of assaination}..well indira-rajiv era was the most defining era in terms of development, education, rights, and much more. After the death of rajiv gandhi it was the turn of sonia gandhi his widow to take responsibility as she was Italian so there were opposing voice then too she was appointed as president of INC due to this congress splitted once again.
In next elections congress was in power sonia gandhi refused to become PM, During their first term in office UPA passed several social reform bills and continue to be in power till 2013
but in 2014 loksabha elections party lost their support, mainly due to several years of poor economic conditions in country and growing discontent over series of corruption allegations including 2G-spectrum scam and indian coal allocation scam.
The congress only won 44 seats their worst ever performance after being in power for 49 years they were removed from the centre so badly. the oldest political unit is now fighting for their existence,their subordinates didn't kept on that legacy as their ancestors used to keep.
And right now the person who is leading the party has either forgotten their past or dont have faith on himself he speakes foolishly among croud, he doesn't have power to assemble people's, congress has been defeated in their own region what else is awaited..?
If same condition continues then BJP will surely hold power uncontested, Now its time for congress to not to rely on that mere "surname" and look for someone else who is capable of performing.
because at this very stage its very abominable for them cz their "would be.." party president speaks out of his mind..!!
he's fading the legacy..
he's letting their name down..!!


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