Political Regime at Grassroot level
I will surely not be talking about panchayat in the name of lowest unit of the political regime instead i would be talking of municipal governance, It started way back in 1668 with the formation of Madras municipal Corporation, well if we credit Western administration for all this regime that will surely not bother anyone.
After so much of bloodshed and revolution India awake to freedom, freedom fighters put their life on stake just to have that freedom but the use of this freedom right now takes me to saying of bhagat singh he said if we will follow the path of congressman to freedom we will surely have it but the power will simply transfer from few britishers to few powerful indians rich will continue to be rich and the downtrodden people will face the same which they are facing right now simply, "gore sahab to chale jaaenge par unki jagah bhure sahab aakar baith jaaenge"
and this is what clearly visible in today's politics.
In this big free nation which have very free politicians municipal units be the only interface which directly connects comman people to government. we have nagar palikas, nagar nigams and nagar panchayat as per our population these are further subdivided into wards and these wards are allowed to choose there representative before the unit known as VIDHAYAK or legislature so the vidhayak elections are the one where no modi effect , no sonia effect shows its magic the one who will work is choosen by the ward members.
But i guess these days these legislature's are just willing to be in power for 5 years to enjoy that mere stardom sort of something as by winning elections not only the candidate whole family becomes vidhayak..!!
and the post is mere a way which will make them extra rich in these 5 years..!!
Nagar palikas though being smallest units are responsible for the most basic needs of the people like public health, welfare, regulatory function, public saftey, public infrastructure and development activities.
here basic reffers to water supply, sewerage and sanitation.
If these requirements are not met people start to blame government instead of nagar palikas,nagar nigams and these mighty vidhayak's..
although govt is supposed to be blamed but if money has been sanctioned with written proof then what else could they do..?
where the hell these sums which have zeros and zeros at their right end goes..?
this is where public looses their faith in political units and ultimately government units. students are always advised not to get indulge in politics beacuse its dirty..?
i mean why is it so..?
If the most local ,public representative or public servant that's what they call themselves while asking for vote right..!!
so if these public servants are willing to "LOOT" I'll use this word loot here cz only this can define their deeds well..!!
if these people who was among us is willing to loot then what else can be expected from those mighty, big named, white safari roarers..simply politicians.
They will come and go here i would like to put forward a fact which i have continuously heard of from my age group people's yes THE YOUNGSTERS
we always tell this, that once let me owe a govt. job then there will be rest and peace in my life and the opposite of the same is heard in case of prvt. jobs why so..?
Is there no work available in govt organisations or we are the ones who are willing not to perform our task there..
If we will have this mentality then.. we are not worth blaming the govt run units which are blamed to be the slowest units of the nation. the man who was working 8 to 10 hours in pvt organization comes office by 12 if its govt office and leaves by 4 pm cz he have many other important work then this.
To change the system you'll have to change yourself first and the same goes with this grassroot political regime they will have to change their looted minds..!!
then only something will happen or else this can be said that we have replaced White's who looted our nations for years and now we Brown's are doing it again.
Jai Hind..!!
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