Its youth day today, but instead of being happy I feel petty and ashamed of those aloofed youngsters who are spoiling their life in addiction. May it be alcohol, drugs, social network,  A girl or A boy..!!
youth day being celebrated in the memory of the man who is supposed to be the factful spiritual god father and youngest saint of the nation who had the capability of speaking on mere "ZERO" for hours and hours in front of any other nation representing India. Who had a revolutionary mind with the help of which he paved life lessons for many followers..
But nowadays being young is defined as having sports bike, a girl behind, a cigarette in hand, partying in pubs,uploading things, boozing day long, shaking in control of drugs and then waking up at police station and if not this then scrolling phone screen from 9 pm to 4 am and that's all..!!
I mean we are nowadays living in an invisible world demonstrating ourselves as the most happiest and happening person over an application after so much of time spent in these apps we have nominal sleep time ruining our next day so simply 'Night life is on, day life is gone'.
let us now have some facts;
- 30% of indian population consumes alcohol.
- 23 million people over the age of 12 are addicted to alchol or drug.
- In punjab numbers are nearly 75% that is 3 out of 4 children is addicted.
-Nearly 75% homes have atleast one drug user initially father then the young one.

Now, Reasons why youth becomes drug or alchol addict..??
1. Curiosity, desire for pleasure, social excommunication, mental gap, lack of self reliance.
2. Lack of self confidence, inferiority complex
3. Peer's pressure, excessive pressure, lack of parental support and involvement.
4. The foremost is "show off" or in the name of trending.
A major fact nowadays is youth of age group 22-28 are busy searching jobs for themselves so the one's doing all this stuff are the youngsters aging 12 to 18, they have got this craze of roaring in  sports bike, goggles are onn.. cigarette in hand and bottle in bag...!!

Talking about the remedial measures;
Well i guess these rehabilitation centres have done a great great job but they have not been successful in completely eradicating the cause, so what next could be done..?
another question comes to my mind is..
Is banning alcohol shops seriously bans alcohol..??
answer is obviously no..!!
It is being transported and provided illegally, drugs like coca, opium, brown sugar etc are made available for all these kids by brokers or suppliers. A new type of addiction of thinners, whiteners and cannabis is raising up for which i guess no preventive measures are there..!
and answer to my first question is simply practical beacuse i am not any professional neither i have worked in this field so i would not be suggesting rehabilitation centre's at all
I will suggest
- That any addiction can be replaced by another addiction so guys get addicted to your work ,your passion, those incomplete tasks are all waiting raise up for them.
- Second thing is responsibility, i guess everyone knows that this can change anyone.
- Last one is the trust, we will have to trust them.

So, youngsters Be young, show your passion, your dreams, those extraordinary thoughts, those innovative ideas, your newest ideas, don't show others a youth ruining his or her life..!


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