It was day of love, but now turned into a black day for the nation yes 14 Feb an unforgettable day, and a day to mourn for..the nation recoiled with the biggest ever sleeper cells strike after 26\11 that too on a silently moving convoy. A guy surely helped by the locals carrying enormous amount of explosive with himself hits the convoy and boom...!! Body's of our bravehearts splashes off in air and took away 40 son's from their mothers, 40 families left with teary eyes and numbness forever..!!
The same has been done in Jan 2016, URI how could this be disappeared and its aftermath which left the world speechless cz this way of retaliation was never In the nature of this country although was always there in our blood, something which gave peace to everyone's soul and a strong message too that if any country even tries to mess with us they'll be punished not only in fronts but inside their territories too...!! The pulwama attack too was expected to be answered and there we go...last time it was army who got chance to make heap of heads in POK and after pulwama it was all air force show which is beaming all around they hit pak and so hard that their generation will remember, entering borders of any other country was a big deal at least for India( unlike Pakistan) but now that it has been so simple our soldiers do it as if its patrolling..😝
What had made it so simple...the political intent yes the will which had given wings to the thoughts of our armed personnel's this intent has not only gave them right to do whatsoever they want but have imprinted a new image worldwide the valour of our armed forces can't be denied but this political intent had strengthend it.
Free hand to the Indian armed forces means disaster..haha look all around it's a changed nation now a sense of satisfaction, a feeling of pround is in everyones heart and this is because we are not only accepting the coffins of our soldiers but serving our enemies with the splashes of their loved ones too..!!
12 fighter jets entered POK up to 50 km's and rotteling everything and everyone whosoever was responsible for the mournful morning of 14th February. They were so accurate that not a single civilian casualties was registered and no wonder Pakistan whitewashing the remains and chanting nothing had happened, they have done blasts in forests😂 this was not just the anger of armed forces but the emotions of whole nation with which our brave heroes fought how could this fight be in triumphed but we should call it a pre-emptive  strike instead of revenge cz the motto beside this strike was to tell pak operated sleeper cells that before you could even plan anything you'll be destroyed like anything its a changed nation which will surely
Not tolerate something of this sort, Pakistan brands it self as a terror free nation and without even any harm to their armed personnels they were retaliating this air strike why..??
The best part of the strike was a mig-21 fighting with F-16
The fourth generation fighter jet (F-16) fighting with flying coffin (mig-21) it was almost impossible to win but someone has said it right- "its not the machine which fights, its the man beside it".
And that's why the pilot won, rattling 3 F-16 and exploding one out of it, our pilot ejected and landed in hell yes POK it was known to him how big arrow he has taken into his butts😂 but then too its the attitude of our brave pilot abhinandan which have won the war ahead..!! He would have surely known what pak had done previously and what it can do with the prisoners of war, yes post kargil exchange reminds of major sourav kalia whoes  remains were handed over to the country in pieces, and the other four dead bodies then too its was the attitude of the soldier which made every Indian proud.. And the line " sorry major, I'm not supposed to tell you this". The same man was forcefully evoked to say good things about Pakistan so that pak can use his statements and establish itself as a peace promoting nation but everything gone in vain cz India knows very well what is the character of pak and double standard present in their blood.
But for the very first time a prisoner of war was handed over to India in record 56 hours and that too alive and safe what forced a nation like Pakistan to do this pressure...!! And that to diplomatic, the diplomacy has been astonishing in past years and that helped India to have an edge over Pakistan now that the word is with India supporting India's non tolerance policy against terror and terror supporting nations Pakistan was insecure and threatened this is the reason of pilot abhinandan's release not peace.
But things like #saynotowar are trending instead of #saynototerrorism why are we still defending diplomacy instead to strict retaliation, are we supposed to pack the piece's of this motherland's sons in coffins like this only. Few people who appreciate Pakistan are becoming hero's there, people's are quoting them and the pride of united India has been defamed, why are people asking for the proofs of strikes done by the armed forces these separatist groups need to be taken out from their safe camps and punished , tukde tukde gang needs to be identified and the informers of these jihadi maulaanas needed to be hanged or else the same will propagate and the propaganda politics played by Pakistan over the very sensitive issue of pilot abhinandan needs to be condemned or else the separatists will continue to evolve and the nation will divide internally.
Lastly I would now like to ask these separatists


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