From Underprivileged to Dominatingly privileged

My last blog red the differences which our economical status give us.. but today's blog would be dealing with the differences our birth.. our caste gave us..!!

Yes none other then, reservation..
Let's start from the start.. it is supposed that we took birth from the different parts of the body of our God, so there developed a division of varna's according to our works and they were The bramhanas- the brain of God, The Kshatriyas- the biseps of god, The vaishyas- stomach of god.. and finally The shudras- the feet of god.. as they were derived from different parts of body they were treated accordingly,
And this division bifurcated into many sometimes under the influence of powerful people's sometimes under the greed of establishing there aura..!!
Well the lower most grade or varna's of all.. have always been deprived of entering few places, doing certain things this has been taught to us for so long now...while reading the story of Valmiki or anyone else and we have quite accepted it too..
How can I forget to mention the father of Constitution and his sad story of not being allowed to enter the cab, well he took this responsibility of addressing this issue and he somehow succeded in doing so..but then comes a idea to make these Underprivileged people's the gainer's and it was mandatory to do so, he somehow managed to raise his voice.
Then came the mandal commission who took responsibility of the other backward class peoples and proposed a reservation for them as well 27%, it was after 10 years in 1991 when Narsimha rao government introduced this.. with two proposals
1. 27% reservation to OBC's
2. 10% reservation to economically weaker sections of the higher class.
Although court declined the 10% reservation on economical basis but accepted 27% for OBC's.
Let us assume that the bramhanas have been superior for year's and years but is there any proof of them ruling or being the king..?
Then why they are blamed this division on Varna basis,
Or for now think differently if they had been occupying the top most jobs just because of there control the one belonging to lower class wasn't able to reach there nor they had any measure to oppose this,
then, for once take this decision of allotting reservation right... the lower class person needed there representative there at the uppermost level so that they'll be heard, now that they have been heard for so long why can't this system be taken off..?
now that most of the top ranks are occupied with the person's belonging to Lower class or they have sufficient representatives in each sections of the society then why is this being carried forward again and again increasing it's upper cap..?
Well the answer to this question be simply politics, intially social cause and then it's all about votes and notes.
From the feet of the the head of our society these lower class people have travelled so long they have proved that if you have sufferings then you have happiness too..!!
Untouchability seems a proverb for enhancing our essays now, it may not have been reduced fully but have sufficient change..
Now that all of us are treated equally in the name of Constitution then why the unreserved ones are feeling cheated..
You'll understand the meaning of this cheating below:
1. Chhattisgarh new CM announces of increasing reservation to 85%.
2. Accordingly Madhyapradesh CM announces reservation to touch somewhere 73%.
3. Haryana demands for Jat reservation.
4. Maharashtra for maratha.
5. Minorities for there status
And this never ending list will continue...

So if everyone is asking for there share of alms giving where will the one's belonging to unreserved category will go..?
SC's have there council, ST's have there council and OBC's have there units..what about the ones left unreserved, the kids taking birth to an unreserved family is a matter of sorrow these days...the way we have started equalising things and being so lenient..ask a unreserved category person how he feels after loosing his seat to a person who was way way behind him in the academics, the other one succeded just because he had a caste certificate and the unreserved one didn't.
You'll be criticising my writing till now so let me mention that benefaction, or that old penny which has been finally thrown into the economically backward unreserved category people's but that too only for a name...!!
It's like you'll be blamed for having reservation but will never be benefitted from it..!!
Time has kind of reversed the varna system now, with a blunder.. earlier the high class person who was eligible was given the the person who's least eligibile is given the post so what his family is rich or poor he needs not to study the father of Constitution is more of the father of those lower class people's, he and his followers will assure that this system of dumb wining the race continues and our country's future diminish.
Thanks to God that there's no reservations on research institution's or else the one doing "akkad bakkad bambe bo" would have been leading the mission to moonπŸ˜‚ and only my imagination know what could had happened.
Well another thing needs to mentioned is so what if you are and unreserved and your father does a small private job, you'll have to pay 600 RS for the form, and on the other hand the one who's father is deputy something, mother is supervisor something... Is lower in class will have to pay 101 RS only ..with GST πŸ˜‚
what a law this is...!!

Well this is also possible that the comment box be flooded with the comments claiming defamation or valour n all... Or many of them will somehow try to threaten me with there frequently used sword, "..........Act" but worry not I'm not a bramhin or an unreserved person I too belong to this mud of shame "reservation".
Well the only wish is reservation on the basis of money as they decided our schoolings..☺
Please don't let a guy scoring 90/100 loosing to a person scoring 30/100,
Other then an assistance this facility is taking our society to a black hole from where it will Never be possible to return, then one's belonging to these communities should start taking steps against it.. ask your heart how would you ask your friend to congratulate you when he has scored way more then you...!!
Think...and think to change.
The errors are regretted


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