
Well this is known to everyone, from the one standing in bus stops, sipping tea, or reading a newspaper in train... The uncle's sitting in these controversial places are the experts for any political issue, they might not know the problem itself but will surely be suggesting solutions and that's why we call them unofficio-loksabha members..!!
Well the most discussed topic after 1947 has been Pakistan and after bombarding nuclear missiles by sipping endless number of tea cup's and the most recent surgical strikes and air strikes, they have shifted to their all time favorite KASHMIR and irony be taking off of article 370.
Although no one knows nor cares what actually it means they are either Happy or worried for Kashmir and trust me if you ask them to elaborate why they are worried they don't know, their knowledge of it's troubled history is shallow and fake, but to comment on an issue while debating like this is mandatory it makes them look like more informed and an engaged citizen and this kind of behavior takes them few steps ahead from the others discussing about their life insurance policies and medical bills..!!
There is a debate on brutality and the kind of Misbehavior done with kashmiris more often but our media persons need to ask them thoroughly and then they'll get to know it's all about being proven known.. they don't care about anything while saying " I'm worried about kashmir.."
I may not be kashmir expert as well but what i have analysed till now is more of a joyous situation then a situation to worry about, well we should try to discuss something with the ones who know more then you so that you get to know new thing's and a all new perspective about that particular issue, establishing yourself the most informed person in a circle of uncle's chatting in street is turned quite old school now..!!
Well we are kind of misinformed about everything happening around May it be kashmir or howdy modi in Houston.. and we end up having an unbalanced viewpoint..!!
What is the reason behind the curfew in kashmir is quite practical..yes the aftermath of the abolition of article 370 may give unrest or be tumultuous, vicious, rebellious.. but this curfew is being imposed just to attain semblance and a bit of normalcy , once the money source dries up or the fundings from there so called God father's sitting in Pakistan ends up the people's themselves will turn back to start new footings, focusing on employment and money.
Well a big big task is left to the government now that how they will win the heart's of kashmiris and fulfill their promises of development and employment,
A threat arises from here that we'll somehow manage to handle the godfather's sitting outside this country but how will we crush the godfather's sitting in our systems, our educational institutions, our society they will continue to spread that hatred, but now that a sense of good vibes have been visualized,we should think good or start builting a strong system to crush this till then, we'll pray that the year's long kashmir problem get resolved and the system of having a country within a country ends up..!!
The chit chats and endless discussion's on these places will continue to happen with new and all new unofficio-loksabha members.. sometimes in circles like this or sometimes in a Facebook post..!
Till then let them use this sentence-" I'm worried about kashmir...".
May democracy prevails and the vicious thoughts get punished..🙌


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