What single use plastic pertains to..?

Well to be simple it's just a type of plastic which can used for once only, or the type of plastic which is use and throw.. it is called single use plastic.
It basically consists of seven items they are so common to us like grocery bags, food packaging, bottles, straws, containers, cups and cutlery before calling them wrong or feeling regretfully about their usages let us first know how they are derived or from what they are derived..?

They are polymers, polymer is anything which is formed from the combination of several monomers, to simplify it let me tell you they are the larger molecular substances which are formed of ethylene or propylene, you'll more connect if I call it polyethylene, they are used in different forms that is... High density polyethylene, low density polyethylene but to be precise plastic bag are chemical substances they aren't biological anyway..!!
In terms of chemical industries they just a derivative of crude oil yes, plastic is one of the many side chain products obtained from crude,
So if something like this material is obtained from such a critical manner then why is it causing chaos, before I tell you the problem which I guess many of you would be knowing, I would like to add on a few stats which is being taken from Plastic infra report and according to which about 12 million tonnes of plastic is consumed annually in India and out this giant figure 5 million tonnes of plastic are rendered as waste, By 2050 our oceans will have more plastic then marine species, when this much quantity of anything which is non- biodegradable is dumped into the atmosphere what will it cause is unexpected ,one shocking fact also needs to get added into these figures and that is only 9% of the plastic is recycled out of tonnes and tonnes of dumping,

Now after knowing how they are derived let us see why they are so frequently used and accepted..?
First and foremost reason being their cost effectiveness, then comes ease of manufacturing, its so easily available raw material, water proof, light weight, durable, flexible and many more, they have now became such part of our lives that can never be separated after knowing there vast uses let me tell you there drawbacks which are heard Everywhere- Everytime..The impact can be seen in following ways..
The most common way be
Indiscriminate burning and disposal which causes haphazards, and another way is when somehow Plastic enter our food chain as Marine organisms sometimes confuse themselves and eat plastic as their food, and final one being the nanoparticles present in the cosmetics, the effects can be severe and unexpected because this ruthless dumping will seriously cause damage and that will be huge, something like Climate change, ecological imbalance, environmental hazard's and many more..

After giving you people all the unrest and tension let me tell you how will we overcome this situation and what can be done to deal with a unforseen situation like Climate change due to excessive pollution or directly by carrying your one kilogram tomatoes in a plastic bag,
Other then just banning things off we have a legislative measure to deal with this and it's "the plastic waste management rule 2018" which has a closure which states extended producer responsibility which means the one who's producing the product will have to make a system of recycling it too..!!
Just imagine if this law could have been implement on grounds then just being written in the rule book.
When it comes to banning something like Plastic bags we are not only asking a vegetable vendor to give his veggies in a packet of 5 Rs but also making those thousands of people unemployed who are working in these chemical industries,
Let me recall few outstanding examples of how things could be corrected,
First is the case of swedan where they have not imposed any ban on plastic usage, but have opted to recycle it and another example being Rawanda where there is ban in plastic use and if anyone found using it they'll have to pay fine strictly and they have even the provision of imprisonment.
but now we have our old-age excuse that it's not India we should not compare our country with other's so let's talk something that happened within India, kerela has a "green protocol" according to which no government organization will use plastic that means all the government offices are plastic free, now we'll be thinking it's a big State so let's call up for kunnur which is a small district and India's first plastic free district they have made it happen in just five months...!!
Our curiosity is searching for solutions now so, here are few..
Segregating wastage just like pulp and solid waste are done these days, the municipal corporation can do this, waste management then just dumling the daily waste in an open ground, buy back mechanism that means the one who's producing or dumping that amount of plastic in the market will have the responsibility of recycling it, strict punishments should be there for the one's who are not following it although everyone in our so called system are ready to get sold then too a law should be there, and the most important solution being the behavioural change into the one's who have this habbit of ignoring things like anything, we'll have to participate it's our environment its our nature instead of chanting why me..?
Shout why not me..?
And then look around you'll feel great, so instead of blaming government for not putting a ban on plastic on 2nd October ask them to have a system of recycling just like what Indore municipal corporation did..with the help of pyrolysis process they have converted this plastic waste into bio diesel and if we'll ask for a ban... There will be a black market of plastic but it will never end..
Till then think wisely, spread awareness about less usage of plastic.


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