How scary it is to feel the scenario of 14th August 1947, two newly born countries seperated due to communal difficult it would have been to gather people's with broken hearts and pissed Morales but leader's of that time created milestones in leadership and proved that they can do it.. and one such milestone of that time is our CONSTITUTION, it's nothing but a book of law showing how a country should be governed with the basics of few principles and rules.. 
Although india not the first democratic country but surely it is the biggest democracy in the world and someone who never broke out of it.. with the longest written constitution one would ever have.. which took 2 years..11 months and 18 day's to get finalised, now has 448 Articles in 22 parts, 12 schedules, and 97 amendments  and having each and every thing recorded as well as written if someone wants to know what have been discussed and debated in this period then there are 12 bulky volumes for you which have even kept an account of a pen cap dropped down..!!
An assembly was commissioned and people from all cultural sectors were there,The Assembly took help of several non-members in formulation of the Constitution. Eminent public figures outside the Assembly were requested to work as members of committees formed by the Assembly for focused deliberations on specific features or segments,each and every opinion was given a thought, each voice raised was answered and many such things can be noted which makes it one of the most important achivement of this country.. 
Our constitution faced hundreds of amendments, several criticism but at the end which prevailed is the constitution, people fought.. protested and saw many internal disturbances but something which never affected was the credibility of constitution it is always proved that the problems we're facing now has a solution available in this giant law book, how they would have imagined or discussed every possible thing this nation will go somewhat impossible
We're going to celebrate the completion of 70 years of constitution being enacted so an assessment is must on this occasion, along whith the achievements let's discuss flaws too.. so that we can make this law book useful for even our younger generations, as it is always said in India that we have a legal framework there's a rule of law so what does it pertains to.. in our country supreme court that is the protector of constitution is the ultimate authority no one is above it, decisions made by it are binding to all..and constitution is somewhere the voice of the people of India and everything in india is to the people, by the people and for the people that's why this rule book is supreme of all..!!
Let's move towards the achievements our constitution made:
After the completion of 50 years of constitution a review committee was appointed, so I'll be using few of the data from that review analysis only.. and would try to add on the new things too
India's democratic base is stable, the 73rd and 74th amendments have made the grassroot politics strong, directive principles of state policy made the Gandhian vision strong, actual federalism was attained, educational qualifications of the members of parliament have shown marked improvements, women's are getting in to this profession more and more they are no more under represented,and the so called backward class people have used the ladder of reservation to attain there representation too. Economically weaker sections have also got relaxation now,EVM's have made the electoral system more transparent, liberalism is prevailed, all the sections of the society are somewhere getting an upliftment.
New technology and modern management techniques are increasingly employed, index of agriculture first showed good growth(from 46.2 to 176.8) but now is a bit dwindling, production of grains raised including wheat, rice,pulses etc electricity generation has increased, revenues from IT industry is taking the economy into another level, we are globally a strong market now with new FDI rules, we have showed strong diplomatic tactics with other nations and taken this biggest democracy to next level, GDP is on good track, we are turning out to be a nation of good opportunities.
infant mortality rate have halved, life expectancy at birth has grown up, a child born in Kerela today can expect to live more then the one born in Washington, public health services has turned better, number of primary schools has been raised, women's are taken out, birth of women is no more a sin, mid day meal, beti bachao beti padhao, ujjwala yojna and many such policies have made life easier, housing for all is a big dream to be attained soon, there is toilet available in each house now, villages are open defection free, free education is there, it has been an overall upliftment in the society.
On attaininment of 70 years more then self appreciation it should more be an introspective exercise so i would more be complaining then appraising things done, so let's move towards the failure list which is going to be long and long only but before it let me add something to the achievement list because I'm gonna showing its failures too.
the year and year long cases are being resolved because of the initiative like lok Adalats, PIL is one such feature which is turning out to be the voice of unheard people's, Judicial review makes every loopholes tight. 
Single party dominance has always been a threatening force in this democracy, the participation of women's in the decision making regime is least, the enormity of the costs of elections and electroral corruption have been a grievous effect on national progress, political parties are full with the people who have equal share of crime in their lives, money power have criminalized politics to a greater extent, there is no legal system to check the legitimacy of fund raising and money collection of these parties and no auditing system is there, fraternity the Nobel idea of brotherhood remained unrealised people are more divided then the time of independence, leadership is left to a mere name game now.with growing nationalistic force in the global forun our society is also circulating around this neo nationalism, the provision of state emergency or presidents rule is some where being misused.
The richest top quintile people are having 85+ percentage of income, the poorest are having less then 2 percent while the middle mans who have for long been resisting the suppression are still facing it's strain with having around 8 percent of income only, millions of people are living below poverty line, millions of them don't have a house to live in, basic facilities are scarce for many, we are competing with other developing countries in the name of GDP if the lowest entity of this country is not self sufficient to have two times food in a day then how could We count ourselves being the biggest market in the world, these people will never dream of having a TV until and unless they have a house to live in, food to eat and a source to earn the living, although there has been spectacular growth in health sector but still many people die un attended, there's shortage of educational facilities to many, there has been a taboo against womens still in the society,This is somewhere the political failure too..!!
Indias maternal mortality rate was 497 per 100,000 live births , 50+ percent childrens remain undernourished under 5 years of age, the proportion of low weight birth babies is 33 percent, 9 percent in China and 6 percent in Thailand, immunity rate is also under 50, the coverage is shockingly low in bihar 11 percent and 17 percent in rajasthan, the promise of social revolution has remained unredeemed, in the name of mid day meal water is served instaed of pulses, population control measures in the northern states have not succeed, fertility rates in U.P. indicates that the state is almost a century behind Kerela... Many basic amenities are unavailable to many people, there is a sense of dissatisfaction in the society.
corruption, insensitivity and inefficiency have resulted in extra legal system, bureaucratic corruption which cause frustration in daily lives, mal administration has resulted in lack of faith, public interest has suffered, constitutional protections under article 311 has largely been exploited by dishonest officials, the relaxing culture is pushing government to privatize the sector, banks are in debts, many companies are moving towards bankruptcy, there have been shortage of job's.
the judicial system has not been able to meet the modest expectations of the society, it's delays and costs are frustrating, people are pushed to seek recourse.

So now that I'm concluding this journey, while calculating the achievements and failures of our constitution i can say it's a saga of both, but being practical means we just can't rely on the past achivement stories to call ourselves great because we have been doing this for years now, it would be more fruitful to have a cross-check system so that there is no chace of calling it an expired document, although the framers had that distant vision but we should add on to it so that this review system would be going on after 140 years too, with other 100 amendments not for political, economical benifit but for the betterment of the sole rule book we have so that the younger generation have that sense of proud within them just the way we are having now, If someone say us to make a constitution now which has all this features or something better then this then it would be impossible for us to do so, yes we have copied many a countries in this but at the end we have found the gist of all and made ourselves the best, this rule book had continued to govern this nation for decades and will continue to do do in the near future too..!!


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