Witb elaborating all the drama and the seriousness of an engineer's life here we are at the end of the segment, where I'm also thinking what to write and what not to conclude this..!!
Well I shall begin with a sincere boy with a bag pack in his shoulders standing in front of his department having thousands of thoughts on his mind and extra burden of dreams.. willing to have a settled life..
Walks out after four years, either holding a joint in hand or cigarette in pocket.. with ten odd friends sorroundig him.. he barely cares about his future now, somewhere stuck into the college politics..  some of them are willing to have their own startups, business, and sone are heading airports to land in banglore.. because an engineer either gets placement from his college, or start to prepare for exams like CAT, GATE , or start to shift Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune..yes the IT hubs...!!
And few courageous people Start to prepare for government exams either SSC, PSC, PO and kuch more..
Here begins the life lessons from the relatives, you should have done this that bla bla bla.. and finally they Start having a sense of fear in living into their own house..!!
Things start to get worst and worst and out of this mental state few of then start shifting by either moving to a private college for, MBA or any other graduation, they start to build-up a new career ambition of which he was unaware of.. someone jump into stand-ups, cinemas, news world, animation, photography... And this list will continue endlessly bur wherever they go this time they are the best..!! 
And this feeling of being the best was given to them by no one else but their's not just a graduation it's a full Iife..
The learnings the failures are the best life lessons they have..the extreme pressure they have resisted and are used to of it makes them extraordinary.. pressures or writing ten assignments in a night, the pressure of completing whole project report in two days, the pressure of presenting any topic without even studying about it, the pressure of clearing an exam by studying a night before, doing anything.. that's why a line is very common in an engineers life and that is: ' An engineer can do anything.. anything thing in their life' 
Will again not stick to those four years and it's drama.. you would be getting bored now.. if you're a not an engineer and if you're the one you'll be wanting me to continue this.. 
Out of all the failures and hardships and pressure engineers somehow manage to become successful and satisfied into their life's no matter what, it's easy to judge an engineer or laugh onto him but it's tough to imagine what he's been through, and what he can do.. so don't do that 🙂
I end up this blog series with saying engineering and engineers are the best..!! Nothing much.. nothing short..😅 
Till then keep.. reading..keep sharing 🙌


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