Again im going to stick to the serious topic will surely try not to get into the statistics to make it complex but yes will give a try to cover each and every aspects..
The campus and job ratio in these engineering Colleges... And that need not to be explained, the joblessness is huge, although job opportunities are also higher but it's either not satisfactory or something else, so what these people do.. the ones who didn't got any job and the ones who left it out of their dissatisfaction..!!
Many start to prepare to fulfill their aspirations by joining coaching centers. Once accepted in an engineering college, they pack all their dreams and start to work towards their job goals. After the course of four years, when the reality kicks in, students realize the vicious cycle they have been caught in. It is mostly seen that students realize that they are unemployable only in the final year of their four-year course. This is when they gear up to look outside and realize that the lack skills: skills that are imperative for getting an engineering job. By the time they sit to brush and polish their employ-ability skills, unemployment settles in the system. According to a recently conducted survey, nearly 80 percent of engineering graduates in India are not employable. Most of them are forced to take up jobs in non-engineering fields or remain unemployed. One of the major reasons for this is the large number of engineering colleges in india and their poor academic infrastructure. There are 10,396 AICTE approved engineering colleges, majority of the engineers produced by these colleges are unemployed. The major concern is the outdated coursework. More importantly, the coursework isn’t job centric.

Where is the problem needs a much thorough study what's lagging behind, or what leads to this much of joblessness needs to get considered, 
But it's all a bluff I guess.. what's actual is the dream a kid carries into his or her bag.. when they move out to do any sort of graduation.. although too common these days but for a middle class family it's still a dream graduation, their hopes are hight enough.. to build in a pressure, their whole life saving elapses the time you're near your final year they start building hopes from you of a dream job and why not they have invested on you for this day only but.. what's the actual scene is crystal clear to everyone, engineering is more of a fun issue for many..!!
We complain of it not providing sufficient practical experience to have a job or the so called dream job but it certainly makes you indifferent, you're no more an ordinary guy.. passing your graduation you're an all new person now.. whatever you do.. wherever you go you'll feel proud calling yourself an engineer..!!
The twist and turns you faced during your are the life lessons one could always have, may it be bad curriculum.. or worst faculty but the environment you get there is unmatchable, 
So even after trying hard I just can't control myself from praising this stream or engineering..!! 
There may be many reasons either lack of knowledge, we just can't blow on to the institution's's sometimes the students fault too but there should be checks and balances every now and then in this giant heap of opportunities, innovations, ideas, and unheard experiences..!!
This section needs to be explored..!!
Will end it here only.. will continue in my next one and till then...🥰 Enjoy.. and yes don't judge an engineer ☺️


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