There are few so called intellectual people who boast that this is much a flop move, India gave up against China and much more so I will request you guys to don't get trapped into this melodrama of the so called influencer's, saying nothing can be achieved from this boycott..!!
Surely this ban has taken away livelihood from many, but it's more a war like situation where we shouldn't be bothering giving away anything for the security of this nation, and it's not like we don't have other alternatives right then why we are busy sharing our data with China..?
One of my friend who's a frequent tiktoker shared a clip from tiktok today saying it's on again..!!
And I was like this country need not to be protected, why don't we take anything serious..??
Posting a RIP update with a candle isn't sufficient guys grow up..!! 
They're dying to protect you..!!
And we are not able to give away a single application..!!
I mean wao.. hilarious..!!
To corss check it i searched a bit and landed up here, that cybercriminals are circulating the malware called TikTok Pro saying- “Enjoy Tiktok video and create creative videos once again. Now TikTok is only available in (TikTok pro) So Download from below.” Just below the message, a link to the TikTok has been shared. If you click on it, you will be able to download the app that has TikTok’s icon. Post which it will ask you for permission to access your camera, gallery, and other. However, despite accessing your pictures, it will not function.

It is important to note that the app is not available on Google Play Store and if you end up downloading it from a non-secure platform, you might end up sharing your users IDs of other social media platforms and other sensitive data. So unless you receive a message from a verified source such as WhatsApp or TikTok itself, do not pay any heed to the malware that you receive through a message. Users are advised against downloading any other files like this can harm you in many ways than imagined.

We all know how dangerous Chinese applications are as in they breach your privacy, your data is being used unknowingly or knowingly because we don't have time to read those pop-ups while initializing any application right..?
A very famous economist said once ' Data is the New Fuel' , isn't it so relevent in the current scenario.. just look around we're into a passive digital war against communist China, fuels lead to clashes and so is data doing..!!
To get more insight we can throw light on the recent data breaches by much renowned Facebook with Cambridge analytica, and this is commune China how can we trust them..?
We trusted Facebook and ended up loosing our privacy, here China is known to do deception, and we have seen that clear in the recent past..!!

Okie to convince you more, let's get into the facts or stats will not bore you by showing up billion trillion stats let's make it simpler, take example of tiktok so if tiktok gets 200 download's everyday all over the world, then alone India's contribution to it is 60 , so 60 out of 200 download's are from India alone and this is the data for a single app there are many such app which had frequent uses like camscanner, shien, UC browser etc.
This news that tiktok is again playing in our phones is heartbreaking, and if it's running we as responsible citizens should deny using it..!!
Is it not possible..?
Don't make fun of such a movement due to few moron's and their stupid activity who broke their TV on road and mobile phones they did it to get attention that's it and due to this we are denying the seriousness of the issue, our data, our privacy, our security and in turn our nation's security is in danger.. it's time to get serious.
Now you'd be thinking what can be done from that data, and the answer is everything..!!
Yes, everything.
US tried collecting data for global surveillance, and who knows is still continuing to do so..!!
The data collected is refined and used in different ways, for example you searched for a dress in Amazon, how it comes to your Facebook, your YouTube, Google ads isn't it strange, and this is what is done with your data, i.e it's either sold out to the big business organizations for their marketing purposes, or simply used to know what we see, what we like, what we share, where we go, what we want everything and according to our needs that particular product or things we need is injected to our market and we're forced to buy it, well who knows if it leads to a big cyber threat someday..!!
Just look around yourself and you'll be threatened by the fact that how much we are surrounded by Chinese products..!!
It's not only breaching the security but hurting us economically as well, this boycotting thing wasn't that legitimate to many, but keep your vague arguments aside and think about it, we shout boycott China every Diwali and promise to use earthenware and pots in Diwali but end up buying those Chinese series, Chinese crackers..!!
Our soldiers are dying and here we aren't able to give up on few of things..!
Civilians always tried helping their soldiers during wars may it be world war one or two, either by rationing them or providing them shelters, this time all we need is support to a very simple call.. yes boycotting things that's it..!!
Everyone wants to help out their nation in crisis, so this is the right time.
Tell your friends and people around you to simply don't use these applications, so what if they're back.
With the current mood of China who's no way willing to De-esclate from our territory we should get the seriousness of the issue, and think twice before making any move, we aren't able to give up on few applications chanting democracy how about Chinese who aren't allowed to even use Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter etc.
Don't use your freedom in such a manner that it threatens our nation's security.


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