Amidst lockdown, with  plenty of data, not a single outing.. leads me to another mind-blowing web series, before watching it you should watch it's trailer and I'm sure after it you will not be able to control yourself from watching it, 
It's an innovative story in the series of cross border love stories.. but this one Turns a bit cute... And lovely beacause of the soothing beauty of Kashmir..!!
Well, if you have watched "sarbjit" you can imagine how horrendous it could be to even mistakenly cross the border, same is the case here.. but this time a pakistani girl does so.. that too unknowingly, her hardships because of the irresponsible system and the husky administration.. turn a 15 months punishment to bloody 7 year's..!!

As this is INDIA she finds a man who out of his curiosity reaches her and with sequence of events promises to rescue her from all the Misery's, 
the story revolves around this... Many a times it seems she just made it to her nation, but every time it were Pakistani authories who hindered her path as her daughter was born in india and was an Indian by birth..!!
Few terrorist activities, around Kashmir add on to her problems, as people here start retaliating, but here too director shows the brighter side.. by showing people protecting her.. things get a bit emotional..!!
Dramatically her lawyer makes it possible for her to get back to her nation...she gets back too..!
But with a beautiful love note, a beautiful poem.. for that lawyer whom she started loving... other then this there are few instances in the series which makes you feel emotional and they are..
In the middle of fire in her house.. which was set on fire by uncontrolled mob, shouting go back to your country.. the little girl shouts.. " I'm Indian.. this is my country.."
Another one is.. when the little one learns India's national anthem and sings it.. but while noticing her mum is watching she starts to recall the Pakistani one..!!
Few things will click your nerve.. and will make you sense the temperament of the story which constantly calls up to let go hatred.. we are surely two different pieces of land.. have ridiculous past but things can get better now..!!
How beautifully director distinguishes between a Pakistani and a militant..!!
It's altogether a different ideology which makes someone do stuff like this and turn out to be a militant, not his/her descent.. or nation. 
Don't find me a traitor while saying so.. I'm not on the other side.. or their side by writing this we are well aware of the backstabbing nature of Pakistan and how horrible their torcher are towards, all the Indians locked into their side.. 
Then too someone has to start, and this story belongs to this thought only..!!

This series is another example of unification.. of love.. of togetherness.. of sympathy and overall HUMANITY..๐Ÿ™‚
To all the one's who can trust on my taste can,Give it a try.. if have time..!!
You'll not regret for sure..๐Ÿ’ฏ
Your reviews awaited.


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