From getting employed everywhere, to equal pays.. to equal respect and finally to equal importance we lack equality everywhere..!!

Dear womans, after age long protest and might we are still lacking in this masculine world, where it is quite ok for you to work..either for being called updated or to add on to their materialistic property or the bank balance.
It's still not about your thoughts, your opinions and your will.. for them you are still their puppets so what, if you are filling up the decision making clans ( ofcourse by impressing your boss, not because you deserve it..!)
They'll manage to fit you into their frame of dumbness and jokes.. your opinions are a matter of laughter for them not something to get concerned about, either they are busy finding loopholes to what you say or busy proving you dumb..!!
We lack administrative equality, we are still below that overpowering masculinity... somewhere in our kitchens because that needs to be done only by us.. no one's gonna sacrifice their work for this you're the one who has to, 
It's not unusual to listen men sympathising about rape victim's they'll have to do this.. because the ones doing it are sincerely animals,
But this doesn't mean they support your thoughts in society, or are willing for you to have an overpowering voice in the system then what they had.
When it comes to supporting any women's thoughts or her protest they'll get extinct, in that case her demands are as always not necessarily right or either her way isn't correct. 
May it be the woman who sent condoms to justice PUSHPA for her vague verdicts (for men's her way isn't right), or if it's about bashing any other woman asking for her rights, or burning Greta's effigy symbolising male superiority and justifying our age old practice of how men's dominate woman's.

For our recent update, as in we forgot; 
Men's were and will always be "above us.."

Only we can change it by getting into decision making bodies and after getting in don't forget this discrimination.. and the fun of what you opined were made of..!!

We will make our voices matter.🙌


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